ADJECTIVE EXERCISES Using the hints given in the brackets, fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives.
  1. An …………………..balloon. (color)
  2. A…………………… (size)
  3. A…………………….song. (quality )
  4. An………………………………car. (nationality / origin )
  5. A…………………………girl. (age )
  6. A…………………………water. (amount )
  7. A………………………….door. (material )
  8. ………………………… (possessive)
  9. ………………………… (interrogative)
  10. …………………………..bats. (number)
  Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adjectives, indicated in the brackets.
  1. He was as …………………….as a fox. (Descriptive)
  2. …………….books are mine . (Demonstrative)
  3. India expects …………………its citizens to do their duty.(quantity )
  4. Sunday is the ……………….day of the week.(numeral)
  5. There is not ………………………..water in this well. (quantity)
  6. The poor do not have ……………………… (quantity)
  7. We have……………………fingers in each hand. (numeral)
  8. This box is very …………………………… (descriptive )
  9. The dog had hurt …………………………. Paw. (possessive )
  10. ……………………………..kind of toys does the child like ? (interrogative )
  Underline all the adjectives in the following sentences and write them in the box below.
  1. Every man does his duty.
  2. The peon entered the class with five tiffins.
  3. Girish won the second prize.
  4. I have a blue balloon.
  5. Chennai is a large city.
  6. Most people enjoy cricket.
  7. This boy is intelligent.
  8. Why are you in such a great hurry ?
  9. Which route is the shortest ?
  10. You must return my book.
  • Sometimes, we may want to use more than one adjective to described something.
When we use more than one adjective , we need to put the adjective in the right order before the noun. The order to be followed is:
  1. A or an
  2. Quality or opinion — good, bad etc.
  3. Size – big, small etc.
  4. Age – older, younger etc.
  5. Shape — round, flat etc.
  6. Colour — red, green etc.
  7. Nationality or origin – Chinese, Indian etc.
  8. Material – glass, matal etc.
Make four adjectives using each of the following suffix,do not use the examples already listed 
  1. Ly
  2. Ray
  3. Able
  4. Ible
  5. Al
  6. Ed
  7. tn
  8. ful
  9. ing
  10. ous
  11. ish
  12. ive
  13. some
  fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives formed from the word given in brackets
  1. my job is very _____ (bore)
  2. my mother found my result very _____ ( disappoint)
  3. Shalini is a ____ (sense ) girl.
  4. Junk food is very _________ ( harm ) for our health .
  5. This watch is very _____ (value ).
  6. Our neighbours are very _______ ( quarrel).
  7. Its getting very ______( cloud ).It may rain soon.
  8. What a _______ (love ) dress.
  9. My grandmother is an ____ (age ) lady.
  10. This medicine is very ______ (effect) . It will kill your pain ______ ( instant) .
  11. Don’t play such________ ( child) pranks on me.
  12. A ______ ( culture ) show was held in our school today .
  Underline the correct word printed in italics
  1. She is being acting very strange / strangelylately .
  2. You don’t look veryhappy / happily
  3. Her hair has asilk / silky shine .
  4. This room is in a mess. Nothing is at itsproper/ properly place .
  5. Hurry up ! don’t be soslow / slowly .
  6. I went for scuba diving .It was a fascinated / fascinating
  7. Are youinterested / interesting in playing a hockey ?
  8. I was amazed/ amazing  to see his collection of antique stamps and coins.
  9. I miss himterrible /terribly .
  10. It wascarefree / careless of me to live the main door open .
  11. The engine is verynoisy / noiseless  .
  12.  I have never felt so  helpful / helpless  in my life.
  Arrange the adjectives
  1. A beautiful purse – red
  2. A wooden box – grey – small
  3. A black snake – shiny – long
  4. An antique mask – Egyptian – black
  5. A fat child – 10 year old – short
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