Using the hints given in the brackets, fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives.
- An …………………..balloon. (color)
- A…………………… (size)
- A…………………….song. (quality )
- An………………………………car. (nationality / origin )
- A…………………………girl. (age )
- A…………………………water. (amount )
- A………………………….door. (material )
- ………………………… (possessive)
- ………………………… (interrogative)
- …………………………..bats. (number)
- He was as …………………….as a fox. (Descriptive)
- …………….books are mine . (Demonstrative)
- India expects …………………its citizens to do their duty.(quantity )
- Sunday is the ……………….day of the week.(numeral)
- There is not ………………………..water in this well. (quantity)
- The poor do not have ……………………… (quantity)
- We have……………………fingers in each hand. (numeral)
- This box is very …………………………… (descriptive )
- The dog had hurt …………………………. Paw. (possessive )
- ……………………………..kind of toys does the child like ? (interrogative )
- Every man does his duty.
- The peon entered the class with five tiffins.
- Girish won the second prize.
- I have a blue balloon.
- Chennai is a large city.
- Most people enjoy cricket.
- This boy is intelligent.
- Why are you in such a great hurry ?
- Which route is the shortest ?
- You must return my book.
- Sometimes, we may want to use more than one adjective to described something.
- A or an
- Quality or opinion — good, bad etc.
- Size – big, small etc.
- Age – older, younger etc.
- Shape — round, flat etc.
- Colour — red, green etc.
- Nationality or origin – Chinese, Indian etc.
- Material – glass, matal etc.
- Ly
- Ray
- Able
- Ible
- Al
- Ed
- tn
- ful
- ing
- ous
- ish
- ive
- some
- my job is very _____ (bore)
- my mother found my result very _____ ( disappoint)
- Shalini is a ____ (sense ) girl.
- Junk food is very _________ ( harm ) for our health .
- This watch is very _____ (value ).
- Our neighbours are very _______ ( quarrel).
- Its getting very ______( cloud ).It may rain soon.
- What a _______ (love ) dress.
- My grandmother is an ____ (age ) lady.
- This medicine is very ______ (effect) . It will kill your pain ______ ( instant) .
- Don’t play such________ ( child) pranks on me.
- A ______ ( culture ) show was held in our school today .
- She is being acting very strange / strangelylately .
- You don’t look veryhappy / happily
- Her hair has asilk / silky shine .
- This room is in a mess. Nothing is at itsproper/ properly place .
- Hurry up ! don’t be soslow / slowly .
- I went for scuba diving .It was a fascinated / fascinating
- Are youinterested / interesting in playing a hockey ?
- I was amazed/ amazing to see his collection of antique stamps and coins.
- I miss himterrible /terribly .
- It wascarefree / careless of me to live the main door open .
- The engine is verynoisy / noiseless .
- I have never felt so helpful / helpless in my life.
- A beautiful purse – red
- A wooden box – grey – small
- A black snake – shiny – long
- An antique mask – Egyptian – black
- A fat child – 10 year old – short